Saturday, May 22, 2021

# Family # Life

You Preggo?

Hi, para newly married ladies yang berbahagia dan timbangannya makin hari makin ke kanan. 
I know you feel me, cause I feel you too😀

I feel the happiness you feel in your heart, you forget to count the calories you eat. The comfort of the food shows through your face. It plumps your cheeks.

I know what your clothes and your husband have in common. They hug you so tight, it gets tighter every day. They envelop all your curves, radiating warmth. You won't catch a cold.

I've been posting some photos of mine (or ours) on social media post married and I am super aware that I've been putting on some weight. But I didn't really realize that I'm that type of woman who's bigger in the midsection until some of my friends asked if I'm pregnant or not😂. 

"No, guys. I wish but I'm not pregnant just yet, not that I know of. That big belly of mine is just a bundle of happiness, fat, gas and feces", that's how I replied to them.

For now, we have no reason to panic and rush into getting children. I haven't made any plan on booking an appointment with an ob-gyn, yet. The longing is there but we don't see the point of sweating it too much, except pray for it day and night.
Unlike in the old times, couples nowadays are struggling to have children of their own. Some of my friends waited or are waiting for years to be pregnant. Let alone, some people choose to live a childfree marriage. I can understand why my family and dearest friends already start asking me such questions. I can see that they all come from pure hearts, best intentions.

My bones were not hidden from Thee when I was made in secret. curiously wrought in the lower parts of the earth. -Psalm 139:15-

Hi, my future kid(s), I know that Father Jesus already knows everything about you loooonggg before your Dad and I would know you would've existed. He has the best plan and beautiful design for you, me, and your Dad. And even if you would never be destined to be with us, "Everything's gonna be alright, Dek", that's how your Dad would say to me. He gets our back💪

Just like what has been written in Psalm 124:8,

Our help is in the name of The Lord, who made heaven and earth.

Fiat Voluntas Tua. 

Terjadilah padaku menurut perkataan-Mu.

Dian 💕 

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