Tuesday, September 26, 2017

# Friends # Life

La La Land & La La Life

Last week, I had nothing to do and then decided to rewatch a movie which made me “baper” for a few days when I first watched it. It's a damn imaginary yet realistic one cause unlike other traditional love dramas where the stories end exactly when two persons look into each others’ eyes and then say “I love you”, this movie told us the ugly truth: every love stories DO have happy ending, only maybe not with the person we’ve been imagining we would share the rest of our life with. Yet, the goal is to be happy, so we’ll be happy anyway. 

La La Land.


I had to watch this movie twice to really contemplate and understand the messages this movie delivered instead of being “baper” only.  At first, I wished what happened to Sebastian and Mia would never happen to me. Why should I waste all my time and energy nurturing something that is not gonna last forever? Why should I give all my heart to someone who’s not gonna stay till the end? Who wants to be broken hearted? Who wants to be hurt? Sebastian and Mia were deeply into each other. They support each other, they would fight every once in a while, they criticize each other, and then they would love again. They were there for each other when they were nothing. But then, the urge to pursue their dream career got between them. They had to undergo a long distance relationship. Time and communication became rare. The way they perceived things becomes so much different and as time went by, they became like debris floating on the ocean, the wind blew them to different direction and they got separated.

La La Life.

But after the second time watching it, I started questioning myself.  “Do I really not want what Mia and Sebastian had in La La Land?” Well, apparently I DO want to be like her. Years after splitting up, Mia became a super star, pictures of her were everywhere, she also married an apparently much more mature guy, had a beautiful daughter together, big house and romantic marriage life since they still managed to go on dates even after being husband and wife. Sebastian, on the other hand, finally opened his dream cafe where he could play jazz, just like what he's been dreaming of. They split up but they did have their own happy ending. 

The more we live life, the more we understand that there are so many things that we can’t control including relationships. The more we try to take control and plan, the more it’ll slip away from our hand.  
We don’t own our life. GOD DOES! We never know what the future holds, He never ask us to figure it out either, He only wants us to trust. 
So no matter what happens to us along the way, we just need to keep moving. He’ll lead us to the promised land and give what’s best for us.

At this very moment, I'd like to congratulate a very dear friend of mine, Kak Imel, whom only by His grace, tied the knot last week. Whose life was not always ~~La..La..La..~~yet finally turned out to be a real life La La Land. Who’s been falling and failing a hundred times and got up a hundred plus one times, who’s been waiting joyfully for the right man to arrive at the right time and putting all hopes in His hands only. Who’s been like Sara praying for her Tobit and like Ruth waiting for her Boas, whose story inspired me so much.

Thank you for never losing hope in Him and encouraging us to never lose one.
Lastly, May God shower you and family with love and blessing and strengthen you to your new journey of life.

Lots of love,


  1. Ulu ulu kakak 2 kali utk tahu maknanya aku lebih dari 2 kali uti persiapan di masa depan wkwkwkkw

    1. Aku 2 kali aja udh cukup dek, tkut jtuh cinta sm si Seb soalnya wkwkw..
