Thursday, April 16, 2020

# Bintaro # Life

Behind Your Closed Door

You're the girl in the gown, made your way to the town.
On the cobblestones, you moaned,
"This is perfect," you think, "finally a life of my own"
That one thing of yours that had been long pawned.

Community failed, friends betrayed, family was a colonnade, you exclaimed.
You escaped so you can forget.
In your former life, you used to have a maid.
Here, you make your own bed.

Oh, what a sweet a girl you are.
You sing with your guitar.
You wave from afar.
You have fun at the bar.

But hey, are you always that composed?
Why is your door always closed?
Distance is imposed.
Nothing is exposed.

You despise the daylight,
As if it were a plight.
You only function in the night
When nothing is under the limelight.

Are you even genuinely happy?
Cause you seem a little scrappy.
You sound raspy
Though you do try to look haughty.

Are you fighting a war?
Or struggling in your core.
Who makes you sore?
Tell me what's behind that closed door!

Relax, I won't even ask you first.
I'll just let you thirst
Till you want to burst,
Ready to curse.

Bintaro, April 16th 2020
Photo by Timur M on Unsplash


  1. Replies
    1. bru ngecek kamus lagi, colonnade ternyataaa wkwkk..udh diperbaiki. maaci btw, son :)
